General surgery
Basic General Surgery
Wound suturing and debridement, I&D in superficial and deep abscesses, Excision of Swellings, cysts, lumps, nails, Surgical procedures for foot ulcers, leg ulcers, and diabetic foot lesions, Surgical procedures for necrotizing fasciitis, Cellulitis, synergistic and gas gangrene, fasciotomies.
Head and Neck surgery
Oral cavity cysts and swellings excision, Cervical lymph node excision, Superficial/Total Parotidectomy, Submandibular salivary gland surgery, Cervical / first rib resection, tongue tie release , Branchial cyst excision
Thyroglossal cyst / fistula excision, Hemi and Total Thyroidectomy, Parathyroid surgery (adenoma removal, 4 gland excision),
Simple Mastectomy (Gynaecomastia), Radical and Modified Radical Mastectomy, Excision of Fibroadenoma, Breast Abscess
Abdominal operations

- Emergency Exploratory Laparotomy: Peptic, enteric, Intestinal obstruction, Blunt and Penetrating abdominal trauma, Peritonitis, Mesenteric Vascular Thrombosis, Obstructed and Strangulated Hernias
- Abdominal Wall surgery: All types of hernia (Inguinal (adult/ pediatric/ recurrent), Incisional, Umbilical/Paraumbilical, Epigastric, Femoral, Spigelian hernias), Umbilicus excision and exploration
- Hepato-Billiary-Pancreatic Surgery: Cholecystectomy, CBD exploration with Choledoco-Duodenostomy, Choledochal cyst excision and HepaticoJejunostomy, Pericystectomy for liver hydatid cyst, Lateral Pancreato-Jejunostomy, Pancreactectomies including Whipple’s procedure
- Intestinal surgery: Small bowel resections and anastomosis, Quarter colectomy/ other surgeries for Intestinal Koch’s, Intussusceptions surgery, Meckel’s diverticulum surgery, Appendicectomy, Creation and Closure of Feeding Jejunostomy, Ileostomy, Surgery for Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome and Mal-rotation of gut
- Colo-Rectal Surgery: Large bowel resections (Total and hemicolectomies), Recto sigmoid resections (APR, Anterior resection etc) Creation and Closure of colostomy, Total Proctocolectomy with Restorative Ileal Pouch Anal Anastomosis
- Other: Abdominal Lump resections and removals (Mesenteric, omental, retroperitoneal, ovarian, others)
- Ano-rectal : Hemorrhoid surgeries, Fistula in ano surgeries, Operations for fissure in ano, Pilonidal sinus surgery, Rectopexy for prolapsed rectum
- Genito Urinary Tract: Circumcision, TV Hydrocele, Orchidopexy, Orchidectomy, Vasectomy, Varicocelectomy, Surgery for Torsion of testes, Nephrectomy